


Advanced Scripting | Sample App 7: Multiple Languages

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    In the series Advanced Scripting Sample Apps we explain some use cases on how to use the Advanced Scripting. For more general info, it's very important that you read this KB-article first.

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    Use Case

    In this example, we show how you can ask the user to select a language and filter Content Items and Collections based on the chosen language.



    1. Create a new app
    2. Add the following contents item to the Root Collection with the following properties:
      • Button to select English
        • Type: Web link
        • Name: select.en
        • Title: English
        • Link to URL: tp-set-custom-vars://?lang=en
      • Button to select French
        • Type: Web link
        • Name: select.fr
        • Title: French
        • Link to URL: tp-set-custom-vars://?lang=fr
      • English Collection
        • Type: Collection and Link
        • Name: en.collection1
        • Title: English Collection 1
      • French Collection
        • Type: Collection and Link
        • Name: fr.collection1
        • Title: French Collection 1
    3. Add a content item to the hamburger collection with the following properties:
      • Type: Web link
      • Name: Choose Language
      • Link to URL: tp-set-custom-vars://
    4. Set up your Advanced Scripting (see below)

    Advanced Scripting Settings

    For the Root Collection

    // Create a global variable in which we store the language
    var language = "";
    // Executed once for every collection before the filtering of the items
    function setupFilter(collection, environment) {
        language = environment.CustomVar("lang").toLowerCase();
    // Executed for once for every collection
    function shouldShowCollection(collection, environment) {
        return collection.Name.startsWith(language);
    // Executed for every single content item
    function shouldShowItem(contentItem, collection, environment) {
        if (language !== "") {
            return contentItem.Name.startsWith(language);
        return contentItem.Name.startsWith("select.");
    // Executed once for every collection after the filtering of the items
    function teardownFilter(collection, environment) {
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    For all other collections and the hamburger menu where you want to filter by language

    // Create a global variable in which we store the language
    var language = "";
    // Executed once for every collection before the filtering of the items
    function setupFilter(collection, environment) {
        language = environment.CustomVar("lang").toLowerCase();
    // Executed for once for every collection
    function shouldShowCollection(collection, environment) {
        if (language === "") {
            return false;
        return collection.Name.startsWith(language);
    // Executed for every single content item
    function shouldShowItem(contentItem, collection, environment) {
        return true;
    // Executed once for every collection after the filtering of the items
    function teardownFilter(collection, environment) {
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