


Advanced Scripting | Sample App 2: Different content for phone vs tablet vs Browser Client

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    In the series Advanced Scripting Sample Apps we explain some use cases on how to use the Advanced Scripting. For more general info, it's very important that you read this KB-article first.

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    Use Case

    In this example, we show different content on phone vs tablet vs the Browser Client



    1. Create a new app
    2. Add the following content items in the Root Collection:
      • Placeholder for tablet
        • Type: Placeholder
        • Name: tablet
        • Title: Tablet
      • Placeholder for phone
        • Type: Placeholder
        • Name: phone
        • Title: Phone
      • Placeholder for browser
        • Type: Placeholder
        • Name: browser
        • Title: Browser
      • Placeholder for the other content
        • Type: Placeholder
        • Name: any
        • Title: Any
    3. Setup your Advanced Scripting (see below)

    Advanced Scripting Settings

    For the Root Collection:

    // Executed once for every collection before the filtering of the items
    function setupFilter(collection, environment) {
    // Executed for once for every collection
    function shouldShowCollection(collection, environment) {
        return true;
    // Executed for every single content item
    function shouldShowItem(contentItem, collection, environment) {
        if (contentItem.Name == "browser") {
            return environment.IsBrowser();
        } else if (contentItem.Name == "phone") {
            return environment.IsPhone();
        } else if (contentItem.Name == "tablet") {
            return environment.IsTablet();
        } else {
            return true;
    // Executed once for every collection after the filtering of the items
    function teardownFilter(collection, environment) {
    2. Non-exact naming

    In reality, your Content Items will probably have other names (in order to differentiate) and then it's probably not a good idea to call them all phone, or tablet or browser. In reality, you'll probably work with a suffix, a prefix or a name containing one of the parameters mentioned above.

    2.1. Using a prefix

    If you want to add a prefix to your existing Name for your Content Item, then you need to use the following code:

    // Executed once for every collection before the filtering of the items
    function setupFilter(collection, environment) {
    // Executed for once for every collection
    function shouldShowCollection(collection, environment) {
        return true;
    // Executed for every single content item
    function shouldShowItem(contentItem, collection, environment) {
        if (contentItem.Name.startsWith("browser")) {
            return environment.IsBrowser();
        } else if (contentItem.Name.startsWith("phone")) {
            return environment.IsPhone();
        } else if (contentItem.Name.startsWith("tablet")) {
            return environment.IsTablet();
        } else {
            return true;
    // Executed once for every collection after the filtering of the items
    function teardownFilter(collection, environment) {

    The name of your Content Item should then be something like:

    • browser-contentitem01
    • phone-contentitem01
    • tablet-contentitem01
    2.2. Using a suffix

    If you want to add a suffix to your existing Name for your Content Item, then you need to use the following code:

    // Executed once for every collection before the filtering of the items
    function setupFilter(collection, environment) {
    // Executed for once for every collection
    function shouldShowCollection(collection, environment) {
        return true;
    // Executed for every single content item
    function shouldShowItem(contentItem, collection, environment) {
        if (contentItem.Name.endsWith("browser")) {
            return environment.IsBrowser();
        } else if (contentItem.Name.endsWith("phone")) {
            return environment.IsPhone();
        } else if (contentItem.Name.endsWith("tablet")) {
            return environment.IsTablet();
        } else {
            return true;
    // Executed once for every collection after the filtering of the items
    function teardownFilter(collection, environment) {

    The name of your Content Items should then be something like:

    • contentitem01-browser
    • contentitem01-phone
    • contentitem02-tablet