


Getting started with content for your app

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    Now that you have designed the interface for your app, you can start adding content to your app. In this chapter, we will discuss all elements that you can find in the 'Content' section (in the menu bar on the left) on the Twixl platform. As already mentioned, content is added to collections in the Twixl ecosystem.

    Though all listed items on this page match the order of the content section on the Twixl platform, we advise to first think about the structure your app needs. Start by creating collections, add content items and finally link to these collections from the root collection and hamburger menu.

    Root Collection

    The Root Collection is a special collection type as it can be considered to be the Home page of the app. When a user opens the app, the Root Collection will be displayed and it is the page where one goes back to if one wants to go back to the first entry point. Depending on the purpose of your app, the Root Collection can list different navigation options (e.g. a sales app) or new items (e.g. news app) and is mandatory for every app published with Twixl Publisher.

    Hamburger Menu

    The Hamburger Menu is another special collection type as it will display a hamburger icon in the right corner of the menu bar throughout the app. This makes the Hamburger Menu ideal to navigate quickly to other sections of the app or add some quick action buttons (login/logout, search, library, downloads...). By default, the Hamburger Menu is disabled as it is an optional collection.


    Collections group all your content items that belong together. A collection can be a issue of a magazine where the pages are all different content items. But a collection can also be a set of similar magazines (e.g. one year per collection) where every content item is an entire magazine (depending on your content item type). Collections can also target specific users by handling different subjects (e.g. an HR section in an enterprise app). Finally, Collections can display a list of the content items that are uploaded to the collection (Browse view) or can start by showing the first content item in the collection (Detail view).  

    Content Items

    All content that you want to offer to your user, can be found in Content Items. Here you can upload different types of files like InDesign export files, HTML files, PDF files, movies, images,... and add them to collections.


    You can also think about uploading content automatically via: