With Twixl Publisher and InDesign, you can take advantage of the liquid layout/alternate layout options. When using alternate layouts, we recommend starting your design based on a single layout format, e.g. iPad Landscape. You can then define the liquid layout options for each of your pages.
Using the Twixl Publisher Alternate Layout functionality requires that you know the concepts of Liquid layouts and Alternate Layouts in InDesign.
Creating Alternate Layouts
- Start by creating a new publication.
- Once your design is more or less complete for the form factor you started with, and if you have set liquid layout rules for your objects, then the "Alternate Layouts…" option in the main view of the plug-in allows you to generate different versions for all your articles automatically.
E.g. if your first layout was iPad landscape, you will now be able to create the different alternate layouts automatically, in a single click, for all articles in your publication.
The plug-in will detect which articles already have alternate layouts defined, and will only offer to add them to those documents where they are not yet available.
New articles or publications created by the Twixl Publisher plug-in will use a specific naming convention for the alternate layouts:
iPad H
for landscape andiPad V
for portrait -
Android 10 inch:
Android 10 inch H
for landscape andAndroid 10 inch V
for portrait -
Android 7 inch:
Android 7 inch
for landscape andAndroid 7 inch V
for portrait -
Phone (XL) H
for landscape andPhone (XL) V
for portrait
If you create documents manually (and not from the plug-in's 'New article' menu option), make sure your alternate layouts use the naming convention above. If you have layouts with a different name, the preflight will generate an error. See also the article "Page sizes".
If you want to create two Android layouts for both 10" and 7" versions, the best approach is to first create the Android 10" alternate layout based on the iPad layout, then make adjustments for the different aspect ratio, and once you're happy with the Android 10" layout, you can generate the 7" version that will be based on that.
Portrait vs Landscape
Creating Alternate Layouts is a cumbersome process. It requires both time and manpower. A lot of publishers decide to support only one Orientation (either Portrait or Landscape) and that's perfectly understandable. If you do that, we advise you to follow these guidelines:
- Think before you choose which Orientation you'll support: Landscape Only designs are better suited if you have a lot of full screen Web Overlay Buttons or photos. Portrait Only layouts are more popular on smartphones.
- Go for dummy-content: It's always a good idea to provide your reader with extra instructions, telling them to rotate their device so they can see the content!
If an Android device has a screen ratio of 4:3
, the iPad version will be shown (if provided). If the device has different aspect ratio, the Android version will be used.