


Sharing an article or publication

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    Sharing an InDesign article or publication with a client, either from the plug-in or from the macOS app, is just as easy a creating a Preview.


    1. Watch a brief tutorial

    For a quick overview, check out the video below.  

    2. Step by step

    • Select Share either from the plug-in panel or from the macOS app
    • Enter the e-mail address of sender and receiver and an optional message
    Share from InDesign
    Share Publication

    2.1. Share your publication/article

    • After clicking "OK", the publication will be uploaded to Twixl servers
    • The sender and receiver will get an e-mail confirmation when the upload has been processed
    • The sender still has the option to remove the publication

    2.2. Receiving the invitation

    • If the receiver has not yet installed the Twixl Viewer, the confirmation message contains download links for Twixl Viewer Classic for iOS and Android.
    • Tapping the e-mail link "Open with the Twixl Viewer" on the device will open the viewer and start downloading the publication.

    2.3. Downloading the shared publication/article

    • The sender will get a read receipt.
    • All this happens without the need to create and manage an account…