


Optimizing PDF files for viewing on mobile devices

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    PDF files can be uploaded directly to your app on the Twixl Platform. You can even mix InDesign .article files, HTML articles and PDF files in the same app.


    How your PDFs have been generated is not important by itself, but there are a few things to take into account when creating these PDF files:

    • If you export from Adobe InDesign, use the "Twixl Publisher PDF" export preset that has been installed automatically when you installed the plug-in.
    • Make sure the PDF is an RGB PDF as CMYK PDFs will display very strange colors on mobile devices.
    • Make sure the PDF doesn't use any ICC profiles as these are not supported on mobile devices.
    • It's preferred not to flatten the PDF but to retain full transparency in order to avoid output artifacts and large file sizes.
    • Please note that the Twixl Platform will not fix any of these problems automatically in PDF files that are uploaded.
    • By using tools like Enfocus Switch in combination with Enfocus Pitstop Server, it is possible to automate the whole process of optimizing the PDFs and uploading the files to the Twixl platform.