The Twixl platform offers built-in reporting of events that are tracked in your apps. You can export data from these reports and use the numbers into your own analytics presentations, tables, tools...
1. Exporting reports data
The data for all reports can be exported as comma-separated values (CSV) based on a selected date range. It is also possible to extract all event information via the Twixl Integration API (note, however, that the latter is a paid option).
2. Reports overview
2.1. Daily views
2.1.1. Daily Collection views
This report displays a chart with the number of views for collections per day. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that. The list view below the chart displays the number of views per day, and the percentage it represents over the given period.
2.1.2. Daily Content Item views
This report displays a chart with the number of views for content items per day. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that. The list view below the chart displays the number of views per day, and the percentage it represents over the given period.
2.2. Top views
2.2.1. Top Collection views
This report displays a bar chart with the top 10 most popular collections for a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that. Below the chart is a list of collections by popularity, and the percentage they represent.
2.3. Views by …
2.3.1. Device type
This report displays a line chart of the number of devices connecting to your app over a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
There are also two pie charts, one based on the percentages for tablet vs phone vs browser, another one on the distribution of iOS vs Android.
2.3.2. Twixl version
This report displays 3 pie charts of the Twixl versions that your users use over a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
One chart shows the totals, a second one the comparison of tablet vs phone, and a third one the distribution of iOS vs Android.
2.3.3. iOS version
This report displays 2 pie charts of the iOS versions that your users use over a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
One chart shows the totals, a second one the comparison of tablet vs phone.
2.4. Sessions & Users
2.4.1. Application sessions
This report displays a column chart for the number of application sessions and visitors for a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
An application session is a period that starts the moment a visitor opens the app and ends either when the visitor leaves the app, or when the device goes to sleep.
The list below the chart provides extra information like the average number of sessions per visitor, and information about the duration of the sessions.
2.4.2. Active Users
This report displays a line chart of the number of users per day connecting to your app over a given period. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
There are also two pie charts, one based on the percentages for tablet vs phone vs browser, another one on the distribution of iOS vs Android.
2.4.3. First Time Users
This report displays a line chart of the number of users per day connecting to your app for the first time. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
There are also two pie charts, one based on the percentages for tablet vs phone vs browser, another one on the distribution of iOS vs Android.
2.4.4. First Entitlement logins
If your app uses entitlements, this report will display a line chart of the number of users per day logging in to the app for the first time. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
There are also two pie charts, one based on the percentages for tablet vs phone vs browser users, another one on the distribution of iOS vs Android users.
2.5. Sharing
2.6. Search
2.6.1. Search Queries
This list displays a table of the most popular queries that users where searching for in your app. The table also details the number of tablet vs phone vs browser shares, and the number of iOS vs Android shares.
2.7. Browser Client
2.7.1. Browser versions vs Operating System
This report displays 2 pie charts: one based on the browser (Safari, Chrome, etc;) that users for the browser client use, a second one shows the distribution by operating system. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
2.7.2. Browser versions vs Device Type
This report displays 2 pie charts: one based on the browser (Safari, Chrome, etc;) that users for the browser client use, a second one shows the distribution by device type (computer vs tablet vs phone). The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
2.8. Installs
2.8.1. Fresh app installs
This report displays a column chart that shows a list of the number of users that have installed and opened your app for the first time.
The table below provides more details about the numbers and percentages for tablets vs phones and iOS vs Android.
2.9. Downloads & Bandwidth
2.9.1. Content Item Downloads
This report displays a line chart of the number of content item downloads per day. The report defaults to the last 30 days, but a date picker lets you change that.
The table below the chart shows details about the number of downloads, the percentage of the total they represent and the total and average download sizes.
2.9.2. Bandwidth Usage
This report displays an area chart that shows the cumulative bandwidth usage for all the downloads in your app.
The table below the chart also shows bandwidth usage per day.
2.9.3. App Size
This report displays a table listing the size of your collections, from large to small. For PDFs and HTML content items the size will be the same for iPad, Android tablet and phone. For Twixl article created in InDesign, these may be different if you created different renditions of your content.
If you click on the name of a collection, a list of all its content items will be displayed.
3. Entitlements Users
For the Entitlement Scenarios Users & Groups or Username & Password built-in analytics are also available. When you go to the list of groups or users, for each user / group, you will now see links to the content item views, collection views and application sessions. See screenshots
Only available for the built-in scenarios Users & Groups or Username & Password.
The same information is also available via the Admin API v2.