


Android: About the Keystore

Twixl Support Team Updated: - Created :

    Migrating your Google Play app from another platform, such as Adobe DPS, etc.

    If you are moving to Twixl Publisher from a platform like Adobe DPS, you will have created an Android keystore using the Keytool via terminal, according to the instructions outlined in Adobe's documentation

    During that process you generated a keystore with an extension .p12. In order to update your existing Adobe DPS app to an app created with Twixl Publisher, you can use the 'Import keystore' option in the top action buttons on top of the Build Setting for that app.

    When importing the .p12 keystore, you will also need to provide the password you used to create it. For more info on how to manage your Build Settings on the Twixl platform, see: Build Settings overview .